6 Star Table Tennis Racket 2PCS Professional Ping Pong Racket Set Pimples-in Rubber Hight Quality Blade Bat Paddle with Bag
Item: 2Pcs Table Tennis Racket / Bat / Paddle Set
2 Types:
Long Handle / Horizontal Grip / Shakehand Grip Type
Short Handle / Straight Grip / Penhold Type
Blade: 5 Layer Wenge Wood + 2 Layer Carbon Fiber
Rubber: Double Face Pimples-in Type Hard Rubber + High Energy Sponge.
Packing: 2Pcs Table Tennis Racket with Bag
'; skuObjList.map(function(item,index){ myhtml+='
'; }); myhtml+='
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return; } var productId = "temp" + new Date().getTime(); var title = $("#subject").val(); var imgEle = $("#img_show").find("img").first(); var imgUrl = ""; if (imgEle.length > 0) { imgUrl = imgEle.attr("src"); } var purchaseUrl = $("#sourceUrl11").val(); var skuPrices = []; //全球零售价 if ($("#skuVariantList tr[trcid]").length > 0) { $("#skuVariantList tr[trcid]").each(function () { var skuPrice = {}; skuPrice.originalPrice = $(this).find("input").first().val(); skuPrice.sku = $(this).find("input").last().val();//商品编码 var skuNames = []; $(this).find("td[data-names='property']").each(function (index, elem) { var property = $(elem).html(); if (property.indexOf("(") > -1 && property.indexOf(")") > -1) { skuNames.push(property.match(/\(.+\)/g)[0].replace(/\(|\)/g, "")); } else { skuNames.push(property); } }); skuPrice.skuName = skuNames.join("-"); skuPrice.skuNameList = skuNames.slice(); skuPrices.push(skuPrice); }); } else if ($("#retail #skuPrice:visible").length > 0) { var skuPrice = {}; skuPrice.originalPrice = $("#retail #skuPrice:visible").val(); 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"idd" : country] = $(elem).find("input").val(); }); regionPrices[skuNames.join("-")] = nationalPrice; } }); } if (JSON.stringify(regionPrices) != "{}") { for (var skuI = 0; skuI < skuPrices.length; skuI++) { if (regionPrices[skuPrices[skuI]["skuName"]]){ skuPrices[skuI]["regionPrices"] = regionPrices[skuPrices[skuI]["skuName"]]; } } } var product = {"aeId":productId, "title":title, "imgUrl":imgUrl, "skus":skuPrices,"purchaseUrl":purchaseUrl}; //补充成本,重量,运费模板等信息 for (var m = 0; m < baseSkuDatas.length; m++) { var baseData = JSON.parse($(baseSkuDatas[m]).val()); var selectSkus = baseData.selectSkus; var weightStr = Number(baseData.weight).toFixed(0); if (selectSkus && selectSkus.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < skuPrices.length; j++) { var skuNameList = skuPrices[j]["skuNameList"]; if (skuNameList.length == selectSkus.length) { var tempFlag = true; for (var n = 0; n < selectSkus.length; n++) { var tempSkus = selectSkus[n]["skuNameList"]; var skuName = skuNameList[n]; if (tempSkus && tempSkus.length > 0 && tempSkus.indexOf(skuName) == -1) { tempFlag = false; break; } } if (tempFlag) { skuPrices[j]["cost"] = baseData.cost; skuPrices[j]["weight"] = weightStr; } } else { skuPrices[j]["cost"] = baseData.cost; skuPrices[j]["weight"] = weightStr; } } } else { for (var o = 0; o < skuPrices.length; o++) { skuPrices[o]["cost"] = baseData.cost; skuPrices[o]["weight"] = weightStr; } } if (baseData.templateName) { product.templateName = baseData.templateName; } if (baseData.serviceRate) { product.serviceRate = baseData.serviceRate; } if (baseData.wreckRate) { product.wreckRate = baseData.wreckRate; } if (baseData.discountRate) { product.discountRate = baseData.discountRate; } } var param={ method:'ajax', params: { url: domain + '/seller/product/saveProduct', data: JSON.stringify(product), type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} } }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(param, function(response) { $('.showSweetAlert').removeClass("aezsmain"); if (response.status == "FAIL" || response.message) { swal({ title: "", text: response.message, type: "error", customClass: "sweetAlertNormal", allowOutsideClick: true }, function () { $("div[data-custom-class='sweetAlertNormal']").remove(); 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var trs = prictmainobj.find("tr"); if (trs.length > 0) { var skuNames = []; for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++) { var tds = $(trs[j]).find("td"); var tdSpCount = $(trs[j]).find("td.col-skuPrice").index();//当前行shu属性数量.默认零售价前面的单元格均为属性 var skuPrice = {}; for (var k = 0; k < tds.length; k++) { if (k < tdSpCount) { if (j === 0) { if($(tds[k]).find("p").length>0) skuNames.push($(tds[k]).find("p").text()); else skuNames.push($(tds[k]).find(".ae-sku-cell-text-content").text()); } else { if($(tds[k]).find("p").length>0) skuNames.splice(skuNames.length - tdSpCount + k, 1, $(tds[k]).find("p").text()); else skuNames.splice(skuNames.length - tdSpCount + k, 1, $(tds[k]).find(".ae-sku-cell-text-content").text()); } } else { if (k === (tdSpCount)) { skuPrice.originalPrice = $(tds[k]).find("input").val(); } else if ($(tds[k]).find("input[name='skuOuterId']").length != 0) { skuPrice.sku = $(tds[k]).find("input[name='skuOuterId']").val(); } } } if (skuNamesSet.indexOf(skuNames.join("-")) == -1) { skuPrice.skuName = skuNames.join("-"); skuPrice.skuNameList = skuNames.slice(); skuPrices.push(skuPrice); skuNamesSet.push(skuPrice.skuName); } } } // 滚动到下一屏 var scrollobj = prictmainobj.closest('.ver-scroll-wrap'); if (scrollobj.scrollTop() + scrollobj.height() >= scrollobj[0].scrollHeight) { window.isGetRetailOK = true; return; } scrollobj.animate({ scrollTop: "+="+190 }, 0,function(){ setTimeout(function(){ getRetailPrice(skuPrices, skuNamesSet); },200); }); } function getRegionPrice(regionPrices) { var tables = $("table.sell-sku-inner-table.sell-sku-body-table").eq(1); var trs = tables.find("tr"); if (trs.length > 0) { var skuNames = []; var inputSize = $(trs[0]).find(".sell-sku-cell-money").length; for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++) { var tds = $(trs[j]).find("td"); var nationalPrice = {}; for (var k = 0; k < tds.length; k++) { if ($(tds[k]).hasClass("sell-sku-cell-money")) { var priceInput = $(tds[k]).find("input"); if (priceInput.length != 0) { var tdClass = $(tds[k]).attr("class").match(/col-price-\w{2}/); if (tdClass != null && tdClass.length > 0) { var country = tdClass[0].replace("col-price-","").toLowerCase(); nationalPrice[country == "id" ? "idd" : country] = priceInput.val(); } } } else { if (j == 0) { if($(tds[k]).find("p").length>0) skuNames.push($(tds[k]).find("p").text()); else skuNames.push($(tds[k]).find(".ae-sku-cell-text-content").text()); } else { if($(tds[k]).find("p").length>0) skuNames.splice(skuNames.length - (tds.length - inputSize) + k, 1, $(tds[k]).find("p").text()); else skuNames.splice(skuNames.length - (tds.length - inputSize) + k, 1, $(tds[k]).find(".ae-sku-cell-text-content").text()); } } } var skuName = skuNames.join("-"); regionPrices[skuName] = nationalPrice; } } // 滚动到下一屏 var scrollobj = tables.closest('.ver-scroll-wrap'); if (scrollobj.scrollTop() + scrollobj.height() >= scrollobj[0].scrollHeight) { window.isGetRegionOK = true; return; } scrollobj.animate({ scrollTop: "+="+190 }, 0,function(){ setTimeout(function(){ getRegionPrice(regionPrices); },200); }); } //红色和黄色代表什么意思? $("body").on("click", ".colorTip", function () { $('.showSweetAlert .colorNotice,.showSweetAlert .pop2overlay').show(); }); 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$('body').attr('class','aside-expanded-true pace-done stop-scrolling'); }else{ $('.sweetAlert').removeClass('zndjpop').removeClass('qydjlre').removeClass('qydjlrl').removeClass('diy100'); $('.aeplgcon ul li.nav').removeClass('now'); $('#btnDiy100').parent().addClass('now'); swal({ title: "定制计算器", showConfirmButton: false, text: $('#region_diy_div').html(), html: true, customClass: "sweetAlert aezsmain diy100", allowOutsideClick: false }); if ($(".showSweetAlert select[name='selectTemplate']").chosen) { $(".showSweetAlert select[name='selectTemplate']").chosen(); } if ($(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").chosen) { $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").chosen(); } } }); //选择模板下拉框后的事件 $('body').on('change', '#selectDiyTemplate', function () { var templateId = $(this).children('option:selected').val(); diySheet.setValue("G2", "", true); for (var i = 3; i < tableRowSizeDiy; i++) { diySheet.setRowData(i, ["","","","","","","","","","",""]); } if (templateId == "") { return; } var param={ method:'ajax', params: { url: domain + '/seller/getTeamplateById?templateId=' + templateId, xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} } }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(param,function(t){ ($('.showSweetAlert #diySheet')[0]).jexcel = null; $('.showSweetAlert #diySheet').html(""); diySheet = jexcel($('.showSweetAlert #diySheet')[0], diyOptions()); if (!t.message && t.result) { var template = JSON.parse(t.result.data); //合并所有发货地的热门国家,用来勾选区域定价的国家 getPriceHotCountry(t.result); //初始化海外仓下拉框 var html = "中国"; if (t.result.overseasData) { var overseas = JSON.parse(t.result.overseasData); for (var key in overseas) { html += "" + overseas[key]["cnName"] + ""; } } $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").html(html); $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").trigger("chosen:updated"); $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").off("change").on('change', function (e, params) { if (params.selected == "CN") { template.shippingCountry = "CN"; template.type = t.result.templateType; template.volumeSize = t.result.volumeSize; templateData = template; } else { var tempOverseasAll = JSON.parse(t.result.overseasData); var temp = tempOverseasAll[params.selected]; temp.type = t.result.templateType; temp.shippingCountry = params.selected; templateData = temp; } if(templateData){ initDiyData(templateData, templateData.shippingCountry); } }); logisticsDiscount = t.result.logisticsDiscount; template.type = t.result.templateType; template.shippingCountry = "CN"; templateData = template; initDiyData(template, "CN"); } else { swal("", t.message, "error"); } }); }); function initDiyData(template, shippingCountry) { var exchangeRate = template.exchangeRate; var serviceRate = localStorage.getItem("serviceRate"); var wreckRate = localStorage.getItem("wreckRate"); if (exchangeRate == undefined || exchangeRate == "") { exchangeRate = localStorage.getItem("exchangeRate"); exchangeRate = exchangeRate ? exchangeRate : 6.6; } if (serviceRate == undefined || serviceRate == "" || serviceRate == "undefined") { serviceRate = 5; } if (wreckRate == undefined || wreckRate == "" || wreckRate == "undefined") { wreckRate = 2; } diySheet.setValue("A2", exchangeRate, true); diySheet.setValue("B2", serviceRate, true); diySheet.setValue("C2", 0, true); diySheet.setValue("D2", template.goodsWeight, true); diySheet.setValue("F2", wreckRate, true); diySheet.setValue("G2", template.fee, true); diySheet.setValue("H2", '=ROUNDUP(C2/A2+G2+E2*(B2+F2)/100, 2)', true); diySheet.setValue("I2", '=ROUNDUP(J2/A2/E2*100,2)', true); diySheet.setValue("J2", '=ROUNDUP((E2-H2)*A2,2)', true); diySheet.setValue("K2", '=E2', true); for (var i = 3; i < tableRowSizeDiy; i++) { diySheet.setRowData(i, ["","","","","","","","","","",""]); } if (template.type != "NORMAL" && template.type != "NORMAL_100") { hotCountries = sortCountrys(template.countrys); for (var j = 0; j < hotCountries.length; j++) { var row = j + 4; var countryLogis = []; var countryLogistic = hotCountries[j]; countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.countryName); //A countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.country); //B countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.logisName); //C countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.firstWeight); //D countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.firstWeightFee); //E if (countryLogistic.overWeight == undefined || countryLogistic.overWeight == "") { countryLogis.push(1); //F countryLogis.push((countryLogistic.overWeightFee/1000).toFixed(4));//G } else { countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.overWeight); //F countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.overWeightFee); //G } countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.registrationFee); //H countryLogis.push("=ROUNDUP(E" + row + "+H" + row + "+ROUNDUP((D2-D" + row + ">0 ? D2-D" + row + ":0)/F" + row + ",0)*G" + row + ",2)");//I countryLogis.push("=ROUNDUP(I" + row + "/A2-G2>0.01 ? I" + row + "/A2-G2:0,2)"); countryLogis.push(""); diySheet.setRowData(j + 3, countryLogis); } } } // 填充报价使用 function assemblePricesForDiy() { var prices = {}; prices.templateName = $(".showSweetAlert [name='selectTemplate']").children('option:selected').html(); prices.global = diySheet.getValue("K2"); prices.serviceRate = diySheet.getValue("B2"); prices.cost = diySheet.getValue("C2"); prices.weight = diySheet.getValue("D2"); prices.discountRate = 0; prices.wreckRate = diySheet.getValue("F2"); prices.globalSwitch = true; for (var i = 4; i < (tableRowSizeDiy + 1); i++) { var country = diySheet.getValue("B" + i); if (country) { prices["price-" + country] = diySheet.getValue("J" + i); } } return prices; } // 当修改重量后重新计算包邮费用 function recomputeFreeFee(el, records) { var skip = true; for (var ri = 0; ri < records.length; ri++) { if (records[ri].row == 1 && records[ri].col == 3) { skip = false; break; } } if (skip) return; var weight = diySheet.getValue("D2"); var exchangeRate = diySheet.getValue("A2"); if (templateData.otherCountrys && templateData.otherCountrys.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < templateData.otherCountrys.length; i++) { var otherCountry = templateData.otherCountrys[i]; if (otherCountry.countryName == templateData.feeFreeCountry) { var fee; var firstWeight = otherCountry.firstWeight; var firstWeightFee = otherCountry.firstWeightFee; var registrationFee = otherCountry.registrationFee; var overWeight = otherCountry.overWeight; var overWeightFee = otherCountry.overWeightFee; if (overWeight == undefined || overWeight == "") { var size = maltose.complexEval((weight - firstWeight > 0 ? weight - firstWeight : 0),0); fee = maltose.complexEval((firstWeightFee + registrationFee + size * overWeightFee / 1000) / exchangeRate, 2); } else { var size = Math.ceil(maltose.complexEval((weight - firstWeight > 0 ? weight - firstWeight : 0) + '/' + overWeight,2), 0); fee = maltose.complexEval((firstWeightFee + registrationFee + size * overWeightFee) / exchangeRate, 2); } diySheet.setValue("G2", fee, true); return; } } } } //------------------------定制100g计算器模块end------------------------.aeplgcon {
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